Helping people to activate their own manifestation superpowers, so they can create a life beyond their wildest dreams.

You've landed here because you have been hustling and overworking to manifest your dreams that just seem to never show up...

You're trying to be positive, using affirmations vision boards and meditating but you're still reacting to stuff and low emotions get triggered...

You've done all the things. Trying to be positive but you'll still feeling grumpy, frustrated or low. And no matter what you do you can't quite stop reacting to life outside you.

You've set goals, working really hard towards them but things aren't changing. You feel shattered and overwhelmed...

You are making to do lists, hustling hard to reach your dreams but things aren't showing up like you thought they would or if they are you still feel satisfied. You are exhausted and overworking.

You know there's got to be a better way to create your desires but you can't seem to find it. You are confused and judging yourself...

You know you are an intuitive person and you know there's got to be a better way than what you are doing right now. But you just can't quite seem to find out what it is. You are confused and judging yourself for not having your shit together.
I get it and I named the process you are in as DEJA POO - you've been here many times before and you are using the same old thinking to fix the limiting patterns that are creating all the upset, stress and exhaustion.. That's where I come in.

About me

Kia Ora, I’m Lisa Miller. Or known affectionately as Ms Manifestor or a lucky b*tch. LOL. I am from New Zealand and have two children who are currently young adults and based there. I love nature, and being in the sea. So if I’m not coaching in my academy you’ll find me swimming, surfing or paddleboarding somewhere in the world. I like adventure, fun and a good joke.

I am a trained teacher and educational consultant, who understands how are the brain is wired from young and actually creates our reality. I have developed neuroscience based tools and strategies that rewire your brain - which actually shift your energetic resonance and this impacts what shows up in your life. It’s a BE IT TO SEE IT reality.

My Mission

To impact Millions of Women, to support them to create a life they love without all the hustling and stress.

My Values

Authenticity, Ease, Fun, Connection, Kindness

If you work with me and join my phenomenal community expect...


To operate out of more ease, fun and flow and in doing so watch new things show up...

You've been trained to work hard and push for your goals and dreams to show up and this brings more stress, less flow and it actually blocks your desires from materialising. Come join my free MS MANIFESTOR ACADEMY and lets start to shift what shows up.

To tap into the manifestation vibes in our community and be supported by myself and other beautiful women

I am a manifesting mofo and you will tap into my capacity to manifest my dreams, plus other members too. Come join one of my membership communities and start unlearning the stuff that is blocking you from reaching your goals, with other women who are just like you. Fed up with the forcing and the goal setting bullshit.

To tap into that abundant and magical part of you and manifest your dreams....

You know there's got to be a more fun and simplier way and the tools I share with you are just so easy and fun to implement. These tools will tap you into that infinitely abundant and potent part of you and in doing so you will manifest more abundance in all areas of your life, including money. Check out a range of free and paid video libraries, courses and memberships. There's something for everyone.

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Tap into Your Manifesting MOJO on My APP

Download my app and get my blogs, free videos libraries, and any course you purchase, from the comfort of your home, travelling on the bus, laying on the extra cost. 


Does This Sound Familiar to you?

I was in a failing marriage, serving everybody else, setting goals I never quite reached and if I did I was not satisfied. I had been trained to use affirmations, think positively about and my life and to work really hard towards achieving my goals. But I was really unhappy, very hard on myself and physically exhausted. And all of it was caused by my brain patterning that had started from young. I was programmed by society and my family. Wiring in patterns and beliefs that didn’t serve me and caused me so much suffering. It was a hamster wheel I just couldn’t get off using old paradigms tools like positivity. I realised after my marriage break up that for something new to show up I had to use new thinking and step into new ways to be. This led me on a 10 year journey, where I discovered tools and processes that had me activate my own manifesting mojo. I so want to share this potent stuff with you to so you can alleviate the hustling, exhaustion and self judgement.

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What My Academy Members Say:

"I'm celebrating that I'm in total different world than I was a few months ago, heck for many years I've been in a gloomy dark reality. Am so very proud of myself and I celebrate each and everyone of you who have made this possible. I see gratitude and wins everywhere. I am celebrating who I am, I genuinely love my self thse days and show my self gentleness. My faith in source is another level and I wanna throw fearless faith a celebration party on its own. "
"The Activations have been fricken next level. Felt the urge to say how life changing your tools and how they have transformed my life. You are creating ripples with all these tools you are sharing and the beautiful things is then we also make ripples flowing it on. Grateful for you."
"I'm enjoying unwrapping my gifts and powers. I had a $200 fine waived today. Took a heap of rubbish to our recycling centre today...the bill came in at $260, however was only charged $150! Fantastic. Flow has been ON! Timing on point! And just really grateful...thank you 🙂Lisa Miller "


Will this work for me?

Heck yes, it will. Because you are human and these tools work with our innate wisdom and capacities. You are this infinitely abundant being so I support you to access this part of you. Once you start this process there is no going back...

Does is take a lot of time? I'm already time poor?

You are time poor because you haven't implemented these tools. To begin with you will need to put in a little bit more time but no more than 30 minutes a day. The more you embody and practise these tools the less time you need to spend on them. You rewire your brain and your energetics to the point that you are 80% of the day out of your limiting patterns and aware of what is possible and what is required to manifest your dreams. It's self fulfilling.

What about my budget?

I have different tiers of support so you can choose what suits your budget and how fast you want to make changes. I have free and lowed priced video libraries and audio libraries you can access and individual meditations and mini classes. Or you can join my monthly AS IF BY MAGIC membership or access more one to one support.

What if I"m not sure what I desire?

If you are unsure of what you truly desire but you know you'd like life to be a lot more fun and have a lot more ease, then these tools will still work for you. I don't do traditional goal setting - I shift your brain pattern and your energetics so that you resonate with what you do desire even if you're unsure what that really looks like. It will reveal itself to you in magical and surprising ways.

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